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SAP Manufacturing Execution (SAP ME)

The solution for discrete serialized manufacturing of an Industry 4.0

Manufacturing Execution

The web-based, on-premise SAP Manufacturing Execution (SAP ME) is optimized for the specific IT process support requirements of discrete manufacturing. The MES solution is flexibly configurable and expandable. SAP Manufacturing Execution in combination with SAP MII (Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence) and SAP ERP provides an integrated MES solution to manage and control manufacturing and production operations across the enterprise. Production orders become transparent and can thus be optimized.

Mann vor Drehmaschine

SAP ME solution overview for Industry 4.0

Monitor and control

of manufacturing, production and assembly processes


business systems (ERP) with the shop foor

Complete traceability

of components and processes across global processes

Enhanced transparency

for continuous improvement processes (CIP)

Whitepaper: MES moves to the cloud

MES in the cloud - my topic?

How can the cloud help here?

Generation change: SAP ME becomes SAP DMe

Our process model for the path to the cloud

Starting together in the cloud

Strategy + Technology + Organization + Finance

Function overview

  • Production data acquisition (PDA)
  • Machine data acquisition (MDE)
  • Machine integration level (PCo)
  • Traceability
  • Non-Conformance Management
  • Work tracking / time recording
  • Worker guidance
  • Change Management
  • Production transmission
  • Test and repair Dashboards
  • Realtime statistical process control (SPS)
  • Production Metrics (Business Objects, BOBJ)
  • ERP Shop Floor Integration

"When it's done methodically like Trebing + Himstedt, it's clear to everyone involved what the digital processes from ERP to shop floor must look like in a smart factory."

Andreas Bauer, Head of Database and Software Development Refratechnik Holding GmbH

Suitable workshops on the topic of SAP Manufacturing Execution (SAP ME)

Ready for the next step?

Learn more about production control with SAP ME and the agile approach for the digital transformation to the smart factory.

Frank Kalina

Frank Kalina
Principle Key Account Manager

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