Digital services
Digital services as a competitive differentiator
Digitization is ensuring that value creation is shifting further and further away from traditional machine sales in the direction of additional digital services. These can serve for the necessary differentiation in competition and generate significant added value for end customers but also for the own organization.
End customers expect digitized product manufacturers
In the past decade, product manufacturers have equipped their products with intelligent functions and connectivity as part of “Industry 4.0”. But anyone who “only” takes the step toward digital interfaces runs the risk of becoming an interchangeable supplier in the end. Similar to smartphones, where Bluetooth is no longer a differentiating feature.
Customers are on their own digitization journey: They expect additional digital services from manufacturers! A machine manufacturer that does not consistently embark on the digitization journey risks losing a large proportion of its potential customers.
New business models and digital services
Corporate processes must adapt to these challenges. With a data-centric architecture to enable real-time information flow and eliminate inefficiencies. At the same time, data on the entire lifecycle and the totality of all operational products and assets are condensed into knowledge that enables individual added value. In other words, the path to the smart factory and digital services for customers. The transformation from product champion to data champion.
“IoT projects affect many areas in the company, from data acquisition to billing for digital services. With the help of Trebing + Himstedt, everyone involved was able to shape the new processes from the very beginning.”
Salvatore Tortorici
Digital Service, DEUTZ AG
“We see pay-per-use as a future business model for our portfolio. Because there are so many different solution paths there, it was important for us to bring an experienced partner like Trebing + Himstedt on board.”
Marco Pelzer
Senior Project Manager, PAS Deutschland GmbH
Become part of the Digital Manufacturing Community!
At the community meetings with different hosts, you can expect an exclusive production tour, exciting lectures and informative workshops on best practices, as well as time to get to know each other personally and network.
The transformation from product champion to data champion presents you with the following challenges:
Which digital service is right for my customers and what are my customers willing to pay for?
How can I argue the added value of my digital service to the customer?
What do the necessary cross-departmental business processes for digital service need to look like?
What IT architecture do I need for operation and how do I integrate IoT platforms into my existing system landscape?
This is how we support you:
From business model development to program support
Digital Strategy Workshop - New Business Models and Digital Services
Trebing+Himstedt methodically supports you in designing your digital business model in a plausible and concise way. This enables you to recognize correlations, identify risks and set priorities. We bring the necessary expertise to assess your IT and work with you to develop the concept for the introduction of the business model. With the help of a specially developed tool chain, we guide you step by step through the necessary fields of action for business model development.
Frank Kalina
Principle Key Account Manager