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T+H Campus Service Shop

Workshops & training for digital transformation

Performance Lever 4.0

Discovering and leveraging the potential of Industry 4.0

How can digitalization be used to identify and leverage the potential for efficiency, flexibility and transparency within a company’s own value creation system?

Studies estimate potentials of 10 to 70 % through Industry 4.0 applications along the value chain. The workshop uses a moderated process to uncover the individual areas in a structured way and make them visible. As a result, a list of possible starting points exists that can be prioritized according to potential and feasibility of implementation based on rapid return on investment (RoI).

Target group

Manufacturing companies that are convinced that digital transformation can leverage efficiency potential in the value creation process in Industry 4.0, but do not yet know exactly where this potential lies.

Nachhaltige Produktion

Workshop data sheet

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Frank Kalina

Frank Kalina
Principle Key Account Manager

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